Meet Donna Schlachter

I met Donna through her blog, where she “explores history through the ages, from the beginning, through the middle, and to the conclusion, in the form of historical suspense and historical romance, written with a Christian worldview.”

Please tell us something about yourself, Donna. Where were you raised and now live?

Donna~ I was born in Newfoundland, the large island in eastern Canada, but my parents moved us to Toronto, Ontario when I was nine months old. I traveled the 600 miles from the east side of the island to the west, where the ferry to the “mainland” sailed from, in a “plastic” car bed laid on the floor behind my mother’s seat. My father, a communications and electrical engineer, moved us several times before we finally returned to St. John’s, my “hometown” when I was eight.

I now live in Denver, Colorado, and just celebrated 20 years of marriage to my husband, Patrick, who I met online and moved to Denver, sight unseen, to marry. Kinda like a mail-order bride.

What sparked your interest in writing?

Donna~ I was an avid reader as a child, always getting lost in books. I remember one time I was so engrossed in a book I was reading (I was 7) on the school bus that I didn’t realize I’d missed my stop and ended up at the depot out in the middle of nowhere. I had to call my mother, who called my father (one-car family), who had to leave work early and get me. Thankfully, no harm came to me, and I didn’t do that again.

In 2002, I saw an ad for National Novel Writing Month and wondered if I had just one book in me. I started writing, and haven’t stopped.

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

Donna~ Since writing that first draft in 2002 with no outline, I have always outlined since. Sometimes it’s as simple as a 1-page synopsis. Sometimes it’s 20 pages of detail.

What do you find most challenging about being a writer? (research, plotting or organizing a story, marketing, or something else)

Donna~ Marketing is definitely the most challenging. Just when I think I’ve found something that works, it changes.

You have a contemporary mystery releasing this month under Leeann Betts your pen name for contemporary stories. Please tell us about it. 

Donna/ Leeann Betts ~ Missing Deposits

Carly looks forward to a vacation when Mike is hired to assist a rancher family in western Colorado catalog their various mineral rights following the discovery of a large copper field on their property. However, Carly soon learns that the real wealth—and the real danger—aren’t below ground. Someone is out to keep a secret bigger and more profitable than copper.

And they’re willing to kill for it.”


Come back next week and we will learn a bit more about Donna and her January 2020 release.

Donna, thank you so much for being my guest. Where can readers find your books?

Double Jeopardy is available at as well as at

Missing Deposits and other books are available at and

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