Every year Williamsburg comes alive at Christmas. A daytime stroll down Duke of Gloucester Street, the main thoroughfare in the historic district, and you’ll see wreaths, swags, and evergreen roping on many of the homes, shops and taverns.
For more information on Williamsburg’s Grand Illumination which heralds in the Christmas season, and some of the history of the village, and details of the décor, see my post from Colonial Quills http://colonialquills.blogspot.com/2011/12/williamsburg-christmas.html
Meanwhile, take a walk down Duke of Gloucester Street with me and see just a few of the beautiful, natural decorations.
I never get tired looking at the beauty of Colonial Williamsburg. You photographs are gorgeous and make me want to drive back over tomorrow. There’s nothing like Duke of Gloucester Street, especially at Christmas. Very well done, Janet.
Thanks Cynthia. I’m always amazed at the new creations every year. I could have posted so many more.