Like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day can bring on a multitude of differing emotions, some painful  . . . some pleasant.

Some people will experience sadness on Father’s Day.  It may be a reminder of the loss of a beloved parent. Or it may be because not everyone has had a positive experience with their own father growing up, or as an adult.

Dad and the kids. I'm the short one.
Dad and the kids. I’m the short one.


It’s been said that the greatest gift a father can give his child is to love and respect their mother.


I was fortunate to have that, and it provided security and stability for me and my siblings. My father came from very humble beginnings, without any parental encouragement or support. Still, through hard

work and a desire for an education he got his degree in civil engineering from Ohio State University during the depression. I couldn’t ask for a better role model of integrity, loyalty, honesty, personal responsibility,

Ken - the best father a person could have
Ken – the best father a person could have

perseverance and thrift. I respected and loved this very reserved and quiet man.



This Father’s Day, I celebrate my precious husband who is not only a wonderful father, but has been like a father to my sons. I also honor my sons and a son-in-law. These three men are doing a terrific job loving their wives and raising their children.


Chris & Christy's Family
Chris & Christy’s Family



Jeff & Jill's family
Jeff & Jill’s family
Jimmy & Sanja's Family
Jimmy & Sanja’s Family


Some people who have had a poor, or non-existent, relationship with their earthly father may have a more difficult time understanding or accepting the love, provision, and protection from our Heavenly Father. My prayer is that those living with that disappointment, may come to know that by opening their heart to a relationship with Jesus, they can experience the unconditional love, and the provision, presence, protection, and peace with the Perfect Father. 



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