I’ve been nominated for the Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award! So warning: this is a somewhat whimsical post.
This is providential because I was feeling remiss about not blogging recently, and befitting because I was nominated by Kathleen Rouser – kathleenrouser.com who likes to write about whimsies among other things. Thanks Kathleen.
The Rules:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
2. Put the Award logo on your blog.
3. Answer the ten questions sent to you.
4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Nominate five blogs.
The Ten Questions I was given:
1) Why do you blog?
I enjoy writing Blogposts about other people who may not be well known. Promoting other writers is fun. I also find devotionals inspiring and encouraging so I like to share them with others. I like to feature people and organizations that inspire me. As an aspiring author, I need an online platform.
2) Which famous person from history would you interview on your blog if you could?
Jesus Christ, is probably the most obvious answer. Other than Biblical figures: George Washington.
3) Where do you most of your blog ideas come from?
Historical events and people from various eras (particularly those who’ve served in the military).
Spiritual insights and devotionals
4) What is your favorite blog post that you’ve written?
I don’t have a favorite. But “Time Well Spent In God’s Waiting Room” is where I live.
5) What are some future topics you hope to cover on your blog?
More interviews with authors ~ Historical events or places ~ Articles that encourage others. A blogpost featuring my husband who builds beautiful guitars and banjoes.
6) What has been your favorite place to visit in the United States?
That’s tough because I’ve been to many places I’d like to re-visit. I would love to return to Hawaii. Shameless Promotion: Virginia has a wealth of fascinating places to visit, particularly if you’ve got any interest in history. I live in the Historic Triangle of Virginia (Williamsburg~Jamestown~Yorktown)
7) Where and what kind of dream vacation would you like to take?
The British Isles and Ireland – I’ve been there before and would love to return.
8) What fictional character do you identify with the most, out of your best-loved books?
Jane Eyre. Jane has had to overcome significant rejection and other difficulties in her life. She’s plain, quiet, introverted, yet committed to her values and is not afraid to share her opinions.
9) Are you a seat of the pants blogger or do you plan out your posts, with purpose, long in advance?
While I am an organized and fairly structured person, I tend to be a seat of the pants fiction or non-fiction writer.
10) Have you found that blogging has helped you grow in other areas of writing?
Absolutely. When I first began writing for publication, I wrote newspaper or magazine articles. Now, I primarily write fiction, so I find blogging makes me exercise that entirely different style of writing.
I nominate:
Elaine Cooper http://elainemariecooper.com
Laura Frantz http://laurafrantz.net/
Carrie Pagels http://cfpagels.blogspot.com/
Cynthia Howerter http://cynthiahowerter.com/
Karen Wingate http://karenwingate.com/
Joan Hochstetler http://www.jmhochstetler.com/
Here are my 10 questions:
- Name three blogs of different types (i.e. devotional, individual, commentary or political) that you like to read.
- What are your favorite types of blogs to write?
- What are your hobbies other than writing and reading?
- If you could hang out with one fictional character for the day, who would it be?
- What is your favorite fiction book?
- Other than the Bible, whit is your favorite non-fiction book?
- If you could travel (at someone else’s expense), where would you go?
- If you could choose to live in another era and place, in what era and place would you live?
- What talent, other than writing, would you like to develop?
- What are your favorite things to blog about?